Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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Study in Mice Identifies a Type of Cell That Promotes Parental Care

The newly-discovered adrenal cell produces a hormone that is also present in humans.


The newly-discovered adrenal cell produces a hormone that is also present in humans.

A new fruit fly study reveals the brain-cell circuitry that converts raw sensory signals into perceptions of color.

Anger raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. Now a Columbia study may explain how.

New research from Columbia in the journal Nature suggests that modified venom could help treat depression and anxiety.

A Columbia neurologist hopes to better identify which patients with severe brain injuries are likely to regain consciousness. 

Data science has opened many promising avenues to address climate change, but the data centers that power it are energy-hungry.

Membership in the academy is considered one of the highest honors a scientist can receive.

Making use of this new brain circuit could lead to new therapies for many immune disorders.

Warning letters from Medicare can safely cut prescribing of a powerful but risky drug, a study found.

The new findings raise the possibility that anticancer drugs could be used to help prevent heart attacks.

Columbia researchers have created mice with hybrid brains—part mouse, part rat—that sense odors with their rat neurons.

A new database offers communities, leaders, and researchers unprecedented access to climate data and cutting-edge models.